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Hey All,

So it’s been almost 3 years since I last made any changes to the site, or even wrote content for that matter. Looking back at it all, I’m realizing that I should have probably put more effort into at least putting out some tutorials, as I have amassed a massive backlog of content to write about. No concrete timelines or anything of the sort on the horizon, but there will definitely be more up to date content incoming.

I also finally got sick of staring at the last version of the site, and decided to rebuild (let me know what you think yea?).

I’m also shifting the focus of ZSB a bit. While I’ll still offer managed shared hosting, vps hosting, and server management, I’m thinking of either spinning all of that off into another brand, or forking this blog off onto it’s own.

Anywho, thanks for giving this a read, and stay tuned for further updates!


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